Giulia Rath


Photos by Matt Dine


Aspen Music Festival, 2023; Chautauqua Music Festival, 2022

What is your earliest memory of classical music?

I remember always being surrounded by classical music. Growing up in Austria I felt like classical music was ever present. The first classical concert I went to, though, was in middle school. My parents and I went to see the Vienna Philharmonic perform and I remember being absolutely blown away by the music.

What is the most memorable performance you ever had?

Probably playing principal on Prokofiev’s 5th Symphony at the Chautauqua Music Festival. It was the final performance of the summer with people I got to know really well over seven weeks. I was really nervous, but I ended up having so much fun and it felt like everybody was playing their best on that particular day. It was one of the most gratifying and satisfying performances of my life.

What is your proudest achievement as a musician?

Being able to be a role model for younger female brass players.

Tell us about a time you almost gave up but didn’t.

Toward the end of my undergraduate degree I was close to quitting the trumpet. It was in the middle of COVID and that along with some other factors made it hard for me to enjoy making music. I decided to keep pushing and I am so glad I did because everything turned around for me and I now cannot imagine a life where I don’t play the trumpet.

Do you have a favorite non-classical musician or band?

Daniel Caesar

If you weren’t a musician, what would you be doing?

I would most likely have gone to medical school. I took classes in Brain and Cognitive Sciences in my undergrad and really enjoyed it, so I was definitely thinking about pursuing a career in neurology.

What is a surprising part of playing your instrument that you think most people don’t know?

How few professional female trumpet players there are.

What advice would you give your younger self or anyone starting out?

Believe in yourself and stick with your gut.

What do you wish you knew starting out that you know now?

Not everybody wants you to succeed.