Transcription as Translation

Program & Artists

Mily Balakirev Chopin Suite
Bedřich Smetana (orch. Szell) From My Life (String Quartet in E Minor)
Beethoven (orch. Weingartner) Hammerklavier (Piano Sonata No. 29)

Leon Botstein conductor


Part of TŌN’s Carnegie Hall series

TŌN performs three orchestral transcriptions of works by master composers Beethoven, Chopin, and Smetana. In 1910, the last year of his life, composer Mily Balakirev transcribed four pieces into an orchestral suite to celebrate the centenary of Chopin’s birth. To honor another centenary in 1927, that of Beethoven’s death, Austrian conductor and composer Felix Weingartner was moved to make a full orchestration of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 29, the Hammerklavier. And while teaching composition at Mannes College of Music in 1940, acclaimed conductor George Szell created an orchestral transcription of Smetana’s E-minor String Quartet, From My Life.

Concert Details

The concert will last approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Brief remarks by a TŌN musician

Mily Balakirev Chopin Suite
22 min

Bedřich Smetana (orch. Szell) From My Life (String Quartet in E Minor)
28 min

20 min

Brief remarks by a TŌN musician

Beethoven (orch. Weingartner) Hammerklavier (Piano Sonata No. 29)
42 min

All timings are approximate. Program and artists subject to change.

Sample the Music

Mily Balakirev Chopin Suite

Bedřich Smetana (orch. Szell) From My Life (String Quartet in E Minor)

Beethoven (orch. Weingartner) Hammerklavier (Piano Sonata No. 29)

Photo: The Orchestra Now by David DeNee

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