Bard College Conservatory Orchestra

Bard College Conservatory of Music expands Bard’s spirit of innovation in arts and education. The Conservatory, which opened in 2005, offers a five-year, double-degree program at the undergraduate level and, at the graduate level, programs in vocal arts, conducting, and instrumental performance, as well as Chinese music and culture. Also at the graduate level, the Conservatory offers the Advanced Performance Studies Program and the two-year Postgraduate Collaborative Piano Fellowship. The US-China Music Institute of the Bard College Conservatory of Music, established in 2017, offers a unique degree program in Chinese instruments. The Bard Conservatory Orchestra has performed twice at Lincoln Center, and has completed three international concert tours: to China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan; Russia and six cities in Central and Eastern Europe; and three cities in Cuba. The orchestra also performs annually at area prisons.

Members of the Bard College Conservatory Orchestra performed with TŌN on April 6 & 7, 2024; April 6 & 7, 2019; April 14 & 15, 2018; April 8 & 9, 2017; and May 8, 2016.

Bio: March 2019